1. Noah was q preacher of righteousness, a man who thought and taught the mind of God to the sinful people who lived around him. Of the many people who lived, he was the only one God could find who believe His Word and who obeyed Him. Therefore He chose him to preach to the people and warn them of the fearful judgment coming on the earth. (II Peter 2:5)

2. In Noah's day men loved sin. The earth was full of violence. They murdered, robbed and treated each other cruelly, just as they do today. God looked down from heaven and saw their sin and brutality. He knew the only way to judge the people and clean up the earth was to send a flood of water. ( Genesis 6:7)

3. Noah was the only man who was perfect and who did the things God wanted. God warned him of the coming flood and told him how to escape from it: "You must build a large boat to hold your family and many of the animals, birds and creeping things. You will escape My fearful judgment by getting into the boat when the flood comes". (Genesis 6:18,19)

4. Even though no one had ever heard of or seen a flood of water before, yet Noah believed God's word about the judgment coming. He was afraid, and immediately set to work to build the ark according to God's directions. One pair of each kind of animal was to go in (and seven pairs of some kinds), and seven pairs of each kind of bird. This meant that many rooms had to be made. (Genesis 7:2,3)

5. Noah not only did shipbuilding, but whenever he had a chance, he preached to the people and warned them of the coming flood. He shared God's feelings about their sin, and he wanted them to repent and he saved. He was a preacher of righteousness. But the people would not listen to him nor change their ways. (II Peter 2:5)

6. These sinners mocked and laughed at this preacher whenever they could. They made fun of his boat, and did not believe that a flood would ever drown them. They went on living as usual: "eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage". Their children followed in their wicked ways, but Noah's children were being brought up to fear God and believe and love Him. (Matthew 24:38,39)

7. Finally after about a hundred years of preparing the ark and storing away food for the flood coming, Noah had his work completed. Then on day God said, "Come, Noah, bring your family into the ark, and also the other creatures which I wish to save. In seven days the rain will begin to fall". In that last busy week all the passengers boarded ship. (Genesis 7:1-5)

8. When everyone and everything was aboard, the Lord Himself shut the door. Now no one could open it. And on the seventh day the rain began to fall. Noah, the man who had obeyed God and who had warned his neighbors to flee from the wrath to come, was safe. Those whom the Lord wanted to save were safe inside. Sinners, who displeased God, were on the outside.
(Genesis 7:16)

9. The godless and wicked people now had to believe what Noah had told them. The long suffering of God had come to an end, and His judgment was upon the earth. Noah had been afraid and prepared for this day; his neighbors had been unafraid, disbelieved his preaching and lived on as usual. Now it was too late to repent of their sins and follow the righteous ways of God.
(Genesis 7:17)

10. This was a terrible punishment. The Bible tells us that everyone and everything drowned except for those in the ark. The flood came and took them all away. There was no escape, for day by day the waters continued to rise, and finally they covered the whole earth. (Genesis 7:28-23)

11. God opened up all the fountains of water in the oceans and rivers and lakes; the windows of heaven sent down rain. And it continued to come for forty days and nights until it covered even the mountains. For 150 days the water stayed this deep, and the only safe refuge was Noah's boat. (Genesis 7:11)

12. Yes, Noah and his wife, and their sons Shem, Ham and Japheth, and their wives, were the only people left. Now they thanked their Heavenly Friend for warning them of what was to come. The were thankful they had worked so hard to prepare the boat; that they had kept themselves far from the sin which God hated. (Heb. 11:7)

13. Now God remembered Noah in the ark; and they continued to talk together each day. God had been Noah's only friend in that ungodly world, even as Noah had been the only one on whom God could depend. Because God loved this man, He stopped the rain, and the water began to go down. Then one day the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat.(Genesis 8:4)

14. Soon the tops of other mountains were showing, then the tops of hills. The water were really going down, but Noah was curious to know just how dry the land was. One day he sent out a raven, but it didn't come back to him. Then he sent out a dove, and when it came back, he knew that the earth was not dry enough to live on yet. (Genesis 8:6-9)

15. After he had waited another week, he again sent out a dove. When it returned with a twig of olive tree, with green leaves on it, how happy the passengers were! Everyone had to see the twig and feel it and smell it. They had been in the ark for many months now, and they were surely looking forward to getting out. (Genesis 8:10-11)

16. Another seven days passed, and this time when the dove was sent out she did not return. Still God did not open the door and tell Noah to come out. Even though the waters had gone down, there was still plenty of mud about, and the grass and foliage were not quite grown up again. ( Genesis 8:12)

17. When Noah and his family had been in the ark for a year and teen days, God said, " Come out, for it is now time to live on the earth again". And He opened the door. How happy they all were to be in the fresh air and sunshine once more! The earth was sweet and clean and fresh. God's judgment was past. (Genesis 8:14-18)

18. Next the animals streamed out, jostling one another, frisking and happy free and noisy. The birds soared into the blue sky and sang their beautiful songs. What a happy noise they all made together! Soon they were busy looking for places to live - nests had to be built, holes dug, and other homes found. They moved away in all directions. (Genesis 8:19)

19. Once again outside the ark, Noah wanted first to worship and praise God! Almost immediately he and his family began to erect an altar on which they could sacrifice offerings to the Lord. Some of his sons went to select clean animals and birds, while others of the family gathered rocks for the place of worship. (Genesis 8:20)

20. Many years before God had promised His people deliverance from sin. The offering they now made looked forward to the time God's promise to them would come true and their Saviour would come. When God saw how Noah and his family loved Him and wished to please Him, He blessed them and said, " Increase, and multiply, and fill the earth". (Genesis 8:21 -9:7)

21. God also made a covenant with them. he promised that never again would He destroy the living creatures of the earth with a flood. Even though they would get very sinful, He would not destroy them in this way. To remind Him of this promise, He put the rainbow in the clouds. We still see it today and know that He has kept His word. (Genesis 9:8-17)

22. God warns us of another terrible judgment soon coming on this sinful world. No one can escape it, even as no one escaped the flood of Noah's time. God has made an ark of safety: those who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and put their trust in His offering for their sins, will find refuge from God's wrath. Only through Jesus is salvation provided. (Acts 4:12)

23. This day of judgment is just as sure as was the flood, for God has a set time when He will return to earth to punish sinners. God promises us, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved". He also warns us, "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?". On that day will you be inside Jesus Christ, the ark, or outside wishing you were in? (Act 16:31; Hebrews 2:3)
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